What Have Our Neighboring Towns Done With Their CPA Funds?
Adopted the CPA in 2004 (at the 3% surcharge rate)
Local Amount Raised since 2004: $1,069,101
Commonwealth CPA Trust Fund Match: $847,458
Total Amount available for Conway projects: $1,916,559
Open Space Projects: South River floodplain restoration and riverbank stabilization, invasive species control,and helped preserve Natural Roots Farm.
Adopted the CPA in 2007 (at the 3% surcharge rate)
Local Amount Raised: $2,687,900
Commonwealth CPA Trust Fund Match: $2,060,081
Total Amount available for Deerfield projects: $4,747,981
Adopted the CPA in 2008 (started 2010)
Local Amount Raised: $924,650
Commonwealth CPA Trust Fund Match: $914,030
Total Amount available for Whately projects: $1,838,680
Whately has received 100% match from the Commonwealth for 11 out of the last 12 years!
Overall Whately CPA Project History 2011-2021
40 projects were approved for a total of $5.2 million. Whately’s contribution (30%) was $1.6 million (half paid by the Commonwealth’s match). Whately’s CPA funds thus have leveraged private donations, state grants, and preservation funding in the amount of $3.7 million!
Whately Open Space Projects: Funded the local portion of Agricultural Preservation Restrictions for 12 Farmland protection projects totaling roughly 180 acres.
Sunderland Open Space Projects: Created a school pollinator garden
Sunderland Community Housing Projects: Support for the development of 33 affordable senior housing units at 120 North Main Street.
Leverett Open Space Projects: Purchase of land and Conservation Restrictions totaling roughly 280 acres.
Leverett Community Housing Projects: Buy-Down and Down-Payment Assistance Programs for homebuyers.
Shutesbury Community Housing Projects: Support for Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity's purchase of land to construct a home on West Pelham
Historic Preservation Projects in Various Towns
Many projects related to: Cemeteries, Town buildings, Town records preservation, Churches, and Memorials.
Northfield Historic Preservation Projects: Used CPA funds to rehabilitate and preserve portions of the Dickinson Memorial Library building.
Recreation Projects in Various Towns: Tennis courts, ballfields, recreational trails, trail signage, maps, trailhead parking, bicycle/multi-use pathways