Nature Connection for Kids Grant Program

Nature Connection for Kids Grant Program

Nature Connection for Kids Grant Program

Direct connection with nature is essential for a child's healthy physical and emotional development. It develops in children self-sufficiency, a quiet mind, common sense, aliveness, agility, inquisitive focus, awe, reverence and instills in them the ability and impulse to care for and tend their world and serve their community. CCRVI provides grants to deep-nature connection programs to enable children and families who would not otherwise be able to afford to participate.

"Our daughter has embraced her present self and future maturing self with joy and a sense of empowering support. This is done so well through deep play and nature connection that evolved naturally and powerfully and it will serve her all her days."

"Our son would come home every day with some new nugget of information about deer, or oak trees, or building a shelter in the woods, or squirrel sign that he learned . . . and yet it was never in a way that was forced or overly-structured. In this way all of the kids in the program simply absorbed what they heard and saw every day outside and therefore it was so much more real for them than if they had learned it in a classroom. Now, at 12, he treasures times when he can sit outside in the woods and just listen, inevitably he will see or hear something that he learned in the program."

Here is a list of the nature connection educational programs for which CCRVI currently provides grant funding:

Wolf Tree Programs - Montague, MA ( If you would like to make a donation to CCRVI which you would prefer to be used to help fund a grant to Wolf Tree Programs, please click here:

Earthworks Programs - Haydenville, MA ( If you would like to make a donation to CCRVI which you would prefer to be used to help fund a grant to Earthworks Program, please click here:

Adventure In - Adventure Out - Shutesbury, MA ( If you would like to make a donation to CCRVI which you would prefer to be used to help fund a grant to the Adventure In - Adventure Out program, please click here: